The high-level data model is a consistent definition of all of business subject areas and data elements common to the business, from a high-level business view to a generic logical data design. 高级数据模型是所有业务主题领域以及业务的公共数据元素的一致性定义,从高级的业务视图到通用的逻辑数据设计。
You can have different types of projects on the same workspace ( in other words, data design and data development projects). 同一个工作区中可以有不同类型的项目(即数据设计和数据开发项目)。
You'll learn more about the operational data and the data warehouse design shortly. 稍后您将了解更多关于操作型数据和数据仓库设计的信息。
The project's objects are created based on your actions ( for example, when creating a new data model under a data design project and so forth). 项目的对象是由您通过一些操作创建(例如在一个数据设计项目中创建一个新的数据模型,等等)。
Of course you need the basic IT skills of data design and architecture, database administration, Structured Query Language ( SQL) scripting, data repository mapping, and business domain knowledge. 当然,您需要数据设计和架构、数据库管理、结构化查询语言(StructuredQueryLanguage,SQL)、脚本、数据存储库映射和业务领域知识等基本IT技能。
Return to the graphic view of the data flow design. 返回到数据流设计的图形视图。
From the Physical Data Model File page, accept the default value for the data design project, specify ARCH_JKENT_HR_changes for the name for the physical model, and specify the database type. 在PhysicalDataModelFile页面上,接受数据设计项目的默认值,指定CMERDADemoHRchanges作为物理模型的名称,然后指定数据库类型。
Create a Physical Data Model with OLAP in the Data Design project above. 在上面的数据设计项目中通过OLAP创建物理数据模型。
At the end of the mapping process, both the original and generated files can be found in your IDA Data Design project: DeveloperWorks. 在映射过程最后,原有的和新建的文件都可以在IDADataDesign项目中找到:DeveloperWorks。
XSLT and XML Schema are two cases in which an elaborate recommendation requires a full document to describe the transformation or data design, respectively. 详尽阐述的建议书需要完整的文档来分别描述转换或数据设计,XSLT和XML模式就是适用于此的两种情况。
Data warehousing design and data modeling is a well-known, significant blend of computer science and IT. 数据仓库设计和数据建模是计算机科学和IT结合的产物,众所周知、意义重大。
Changes are represented by Data Design Projects at particular points in time. DataDesignProjects在特定的时间点上表示变更。
Data Design Project is a repository for all the resources ( scripts, models, log files, etc.) pertaining to a change, and it is also useful in tracking the life cycle of a database. DataDesignProject是与变更相关的所有资源(脚本、模型、日志文件等)的存储库,它还可以用于跟踪数据库的生命周期。
In more complex databases, a Data Design Project can be used to manage the life cycle of a particular database application. 在更复杂的数据库中,可以使用DataDesignProject来管理一个特定数据库应用程序的生命周期。
A data warehouse architect, who is the key person in data discovery and data warehouse design. 数据仓库架构师,是数据发现和数据仓库设计中的关键人物。
From the Logical Data Model File page, accept the defaults for the data design project for the logical model, and for the name of the logical model. 在LogicalDataModelFile页面上,接受用于逻辑模型的默认数据设计项目和逻辑模型的默认名称。
The relationship between Data Design Projects, databases, and version control DataDesignProjects、数据库与版本控制之间的关系
However, the formal data warehouse design should begin with data warehouse architecture. 然而,正式的数据仓库设计应该从数据仓库的架构开始。
Software service and data design and analysis, on the other hand, is generally performed by modelers who have been exposed to repositories and the usual parallel development pattern. 另一方面,软件服务和数据设计和分析,通常是由那些暴露于存储库和并行开发模式下的建模者来执行。
Although these are all important questions, you'll look at a very specific issue& one that has important repercussions on data design, data retrieval, and client code management. 尽管这些问题都非常重要,但是您将探查一个非常具体的问题&这个问题会严重影响数据设计、数据检索和客户机代码管理。
A basic principle of information and data design, data ink is literally the total ink used for anything that represents data ( for example, numbers or data lines on a graph) on a printed page. 作为信息和数据设计的一个基本原则,数据墨水实际上是被打印页面上代表数据(比如,数值或图片上的数据线)的任何内容所用到的所有的墨水。
But because we are going to work with data models, you need a specific type of project, called data design project. 由于我们要使用数据模型,因此需要指定项目类型为数据设计项目。
Both of these can be easily avoided by careful selection of SPU intrinsics and good data structure design. 通过仔细选择SPUintrinsic和良好的数据结构设计,可以轻松地避免分支。
Using InfoSphere Data Architect, Tom creates a new data design project to contain all the artifacts ( data models and metadata) for this particular project. TOM使用InfoSphereDataArchitect创建一个新的数据设计项目以包含所需的全部工件(数据模型和元数据)。
After a change to a database is made, the data design project ( including all of the resources that it contains) should be checked into version control and tagged or labeled. 当数据库更改后,OptimDatabaseAdministrator项目(包括它所包含的所有资源)应该签入到版本控制中,并被赋予一个标记或标签。
As of2007, data center design, construction, and operation is a well-known discipline. 截至2007年,数据中心的设计,建造和运行是一个众所周知的纪律。
The data structure design with shared memory is also provided. 并给出了共享存储区中数据结构的设计方法。
Data design with valid, invalid data to cover normal processing operations adequately can be prepared. 应该准备一些能充分覆盖正常业务的有效及无效的测试数据。
Proposed the data base design module system design plan afterwards according to the demand, and according to the above has carried on the detailed design and the code realization. 之后根据需求提出了数据库设计模块的总体设计方案,并据此进行了详细设计和编码实现。
Data transfer design based on Link port and USB 基于Link口和USB的数据传输设计